Lake Reflection

Learning Reflections

What is your long term goal and or career pathway?

What skills (non-technical - human skills) would you like to see developed in yourself while at EDA?

Conflict resolution, not a fan of it, had to practice it throughout my career in different situations, but can always get better at it

A description of your own strengths and limitations

See Sprint 1 cultural blog

Based on the above description, a commitment to how you will manage your workload in this programme.

I currently use timeboxing, pomodoros and personal kanban through trello. I will continue to use these. I do have a young family and other commitments outside of Dev Academy but we made a lot of arrangements prior to the course to allow me to focus 100% on these 15 weeks. I keep active and open communication with all my cohort mates, facilitators as well as having industry mentors to support me along the way on a high level.

A commitment as to how and where you will seek help in a timely way.

I will use my problem solving model the best i can, If i cannot work out a problem using the models i have devised, i will go to a cohort member, if i still can not find out the answer, we will approach a facilitator. The key to this is prompt and open, so that I do not become overwhelmed. This is more of a marathon for me over the 15 weeks so I want to get the most out of this course that I can while not burning out.

A description of what you expect from the facilitation team

As an individual I work best by using my facilitators as guides on the sides rather than sages on stage. I do the heavy lifting learning on my own but will go to them and others in the cohort when I am stuck on a problem. I will go to cohort members first as I want the collaboration for learning and the safe space to try different things out, however the facilitators are my go to for high level questions such as overall learning journey and where to focus my energy for efficient learning.

Any scheduling information such as block-out times when you are committed to other things.

No scheduling information at this stage, arrangements around childcare drop offs, dog walks etc have been made with the goal of dedicating myself 100% to this course. However in the event of unforeseen circumstances, I will endeavour to let my coursemates and facilitator know in a timely manner.